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Getting started using the ASAP2Demo...

Table of contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Graphical user interface description
  3. Find and select ASAP2 objects
  4. Change ASAP2 objects
  5. Add ECU calibration data
  6. Display, adjust and store calibration data
  7. Export and import calibration data
  8. Synchronizing A2L object addresses from an ELF file
  9. Connect to an ECU using XCP over Ethernet(TCP/UDP)
  10. Connect to an ECU using XCP on SxI (serial port)
  11. Activating and connecting to CAN hardware
  12. Connect to an ECU using XCP on CAN/CANFD or CCP
  13. Configuring DAQ lists for online measuring
  14. The ECUSimulator
  15. Starting the ECUSimulator manually
  16. Force ASAP2Demo to run as a 32Bit process

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After starting the ASAP2Demo...

For each specified ASAP2 file a document is created displaying the ASAP2 hierarchy in a tree, the original content and the received ASAP2 parser messages in a data table. After selecting a specific ASAP2 object in the tree, the property grid below the tree displays properties corresponding to the selected ASAP2 object.

Graphical user interface:

ASAP2 UI overview

How to find and select ASAP2 objects...

How to change ASAP2 object properties

How to add ECU calibration data files to the A2L model

How to display, adjust and store calibration data

After a calibration data file is loaded...

After a calibration data file is changed...

How to export and import calibration data

After a calibration data file is loaded...

Synchronizing A2L object addresses from an ELF file

  1. Open any A2L file with ASAP2Demo
  2. Open an ELF file containing symbols corresponding to the A2L objects
  3. The ELF File demo window displays a table with known A2L objects, the original A2L address,
    the symbol's address read from the ELF file and a synchronizer message
  4. If no A2L file is opened before the ELF File demo window displays only the ELF file analysis tabs.

ASAP2Demo only allows the updated A2L file to be saved using a licensed version, see ASAP2Demo licensing.
For an example of how to do an A2L address update using the ASAP2Library see the ELF example.

How to connect to an ECU using XCP on Ethernet (TCP/UDP)

After an XCP over Ethernet supporting A2L File is loaded...

How to connect to an ECU using XCP on SxI (serial port)


After an XCP on SxI supporting A2L File is are asked to connect to a 'real' ECU or simulate the ECU using the ECU simulator.

Activating and connecting to CAN hardware

The philosophy of ASAP2Demo/ASAP2Library is to remain independent of vendor CAN hardware. The ASAP2Demo installer does not provide drivers for CAN hardware, but uses only CAN hardware drivers installed on the target system.

Depending on the CAN Hardware driver, ASAP2Demo searches the '%SYSTEMROOT%\system32' directory for a driver DLL. Manufacturer-specific information can be found in the following list of supported CAN hardware.

CAN provider 32 Bit driver 64 Bit driver Supports
8devices usb2can.dll usb2can.dll
Advantech not needed not needed
ESD ntcan.dll ntcan.dll
Eberspächer electronics fcbase.dll fcbase.dll
Actia I+ME XS series location from OS registry not available
Intrepid icsneo40.dll icsneo40.dll

Kvaser canLib32.dll canLib32.dll
MHS Elektronik Tiny-CAN mhstcan.dll mhstcan.dll
Lawicel canusbdrv.dll canusbdrv64.dll
National Instruments (NI-CAN) nican.dll not available
National Instruments (XNET) nixnet.dll nixnet.dll
Peak pcanbasic.dll pcanbasic.dll
Softing canl2.dll canl2.dll
Vector vxlapi.dll vxlapi64.dll

How to connect to an ECU over XCP on CAN/CANFD or CCP

Prerequisites (for a Vector CAN enabled product), for any other type of CAN hardware, the same procedure of configuration applies:


Configuring DAQ lists for online measuring

The XCP and CCP DAQ selection pages displays available DAQ lists and connected DAQ events. The page allows to enable or disable each single DAQ List to be used in online measuring.

The ECU Simulator

Starting the ECU Simulator manually

  1. Open a console window in the ASAP2Demo installation folder.
  2. The following command line is required to start the ECUSimulator process:
    ECUSimulator [-debug] TCP:Port|UDP:Port|SxI:Port|CAN:CANHw:Port|CCP:CANHw:Port|UDS:CANHw:Port A2LFile|ODXFile [DataFile]
    XCP on TCP Simulator on port 1800:
    ECUSimulator TCP:1800 ASAP2Example.a2l ASAP2Example.hex
    XCP on SxI Simulator on serial port COM5
    ECUSimulator SxI:COM5 ASAP2Example.a2l ASAP2Example.hex
    XCP on CAN Simulator using Vector CAN on Channel 1:
    ECUSimulator CAN:vector:1 ASAP2Example.a2l ASAP2Example.hex
    CCP Simulator using Kvaser CAN on Channel 0:
    ECUSimulator CCP:kvaser ASAP2Example.a2l ASAP2Example.hex
    UDS Simulator using Kvaser CAN on Channal 2:
    ECUSimulator UDS:kvaser:2 ODXExample.odx

The result is an ECUSimulator process supporting the specified protocol. The process simulates an ECU defined by ASAP2Example.a2l using calibration data from ASAP2Example.hex.

Force ASAP2Demo to run as a 32 Bit process

This paragraph is only of interest if ASAP2Demo is installed on a 64 Bit OS, but usually this is the default nowadays.
As the ASAP2Demo/ECUSimulator starts in this case in 64 Bit mode, using 32 Bit CAN drivers (the National Instruments CAN driver only supports 32 Bit applications) or using a 32 Bit Seed&Key DLL to get CCP/XCP/UDS access on ECUs will fail.

ASAP2Demo offers the following solution for this case:
